Tag Archives: Walter Cronkite

.that’s the way it is.

Is it just me, or does it seem as if all the people you grew up on keep dropping like flies?


Dear 2009:

I understand 2008 had some milestones, you know, with Obama getting elected and the stunning visuals streamed from the Beijing Olympics.  I can see how that would set a precedent for 2009, however, please stop taking away those I have admired growing up.  Yes, death happens, but to keep taking people away at such a rapid pace is just mean.  I beg you, please, stop.


Boston Candy Couture.


From a journalism background, and trying to come to terms with the way the industry is going, I want to take my own moment just to give a big thanks to Uncle Walter.  All I want to say is that as the internet grows and newspapers continue to die off, let’s just take the time to remember, rather than forget, the individuals who got us to this point today.

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