Tag Archives: Boldfacers

Bursting in to Fall.

I guess my last post lacked the picture.  I could have sworn it showed up initially, but I clearly need more work.

The picture was a flyer for an upcoming pop-up shop hosted by the lovely Lisa Pierpont at Boldfacers.  Since coming back from Paris, it’s clear that Boston’s culture, fashion, restaurant and overall lifestyle is changing.  Blame it on the economy or what is going on in Menino’s office, the point is that this is not the same Beantown as it was when I left in 2007 to go exploring.  That being said, I think the pop-up shop was a great step in slowly breaking that routine mold this city still plays by, that old “Boston Brahim” mentality.

The pop-up shop was highlighted local jewelry designers around the area.  I was quite impressed with a lot of the ladies.  It’s hard work to be in a studio and create your own pieces, and it’s even harder to be an indie designer in Boston.  Overall, it was important that this inaugural shop be set up.  Boldfacers wants to make this a monthly event, focusing on a different theme each month.  Next month will feature urban street style and underground culture.  As more details surface, I’ll be sure to post them up here to keep people informed.

Building off of that, I feel as if we are suddenly bursting in to this fall season, for better or for worse.  I looked at my Entourage calendar yesterday and almost had a panic attack at what my cab fare expenses might be like come the end of the month.  Regardless of how all the hours I will be putting in to get my company going, write a book (yes, that’s right), and lack of sleep I will be experiencing, I’ll be sure to post it all here.

I’m serious about that last one.  Time to turn over a new leaf.  It is fall, afterall.

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